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Move Better

Build useable strength, resolve pain, and develop a capable and robust body. Aging is inevitable. Losing your ability to move well is not.

Eat Better

Eat like a human with biologically appropriate nutrition principles. When we give our brain and body the foods they evolved to eat, we thrive.

Build Bonds

We're revillaging here. Develop deep and meaningful bonds with those who share your aspirations and values in our community.

Cultivate Skills

Rights of passage are rooted in skill building. Archery, hunting, cooking, and much more are discussed and celebrated here.

I'm Tim Matz

Father, husband, traditional bow hunter, and multidisciplinary movement coach

Through a synthesis of many schools of practice and emphasizing the natural environment, my aim is to empower you to take responsibility for your health through effective and accessible education. Armed with the understanding that nature heals, my aim is to inspire you to get back to your natural habitat and facilitate a thriving community filled with deep bond-building between myself and others with shared aspirations and values. Here, we call this revillaging.

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Reclaim your birthright to be strong, mobile, and pain-free, now and for the rest of your life.

Here's what you'll get as a member of Move Like Human...


Reclaim your birthright as a strong, mobile, pain-free, and capable human.

  • My training framework: Integrate my physical training methods with my 4-component training framework.
  • Build your own program: 8 on-demand training programs featuring more than 60 instructional videos led by me. Using these, you'll construct your own weekly training schedule based on my 4-component framework.


Get inspired and explore what it means to be a human animal with me.

Member-only podcast episodes:

  • Daily Reflections: These are very short (1-5 minute) episodes released every day. Focused on mindset, perspective, inspiration, and more.
  • Long-form podcast episodes: Biweekly episodes on a variety of topics including movement, recovery, exercise, nutrition, parenting, returning to human, answers to member questions, and more.


Integrate human-centric principles into your daily life.

On-demand courses with guidance for real-world application in your own life:

  • Optimize your diet: Learn how to eat like a human. Optimize your physical, emotional, and cognitive performance by prioritizing a biologically appropriate diet.
  • Optimize your circadian rhythm: Develop a fundamental understanding of how light exposure, meal timing,  and more impact our relationship with sleep and performance. Integrate these principles into your own life for immediate improvements.


Build bonds with a community of like-minded people.

  • The Village: Access to our member-only community, called The Village, where you can interact with me and your fellow members.
  • Revillaging: I believe in the strength of community. We employ a concept called revillaging, a digital recreation of the supportive communities our ancestors enjoyed filled with folks sharing common goals and interests. 

Build skills

Learn new skills that you can practice in the real world. 

  • Traditional Archery: Learn the foundations of an essential human skill - how to use a bow and arrow.
  • More to come: We plan to add more skills courses led by me and other instructors over time. 

Get the App

Enjoy each of these member-only benefits with a dedicated app for effortless access.

  •  iPhone: Sign up here first. After that, download the app in the Apple app store, and then use the login credentials you create during this sign-up process to login to the app.
  • Android: Our Android app is currently in review with Goolge and will be available in the coming weeks. The app is not required to access any of the benefits I've mentioned here. 
Join Move Like Human

Hear from some of our members

Testimonials from members of Move Like Human



Join Move Like Human

Get out of pain, downregulate your nervous system to support your body's natural healing, learn to eat in a way that supports your biology and the planet, optimize your circadian rhythm, develop a deeper understanding of what it means to be a human animal and how you can apply these lessons to improve your lifedevelop a support system in our community, and deepen your connection with nature and the elements.

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